This blog is about having fun

Let the mind THINK and let the face SMILE. I am able to achive these by..
- Sharing thoughts.
- Fun

Friday, September 25, 2009

Art of Living Course in Bangalore (whitefield)

YES + Course:
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Basic Course(Chaitnay Bharathi hall, near hope form)(

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Basic Course(NavPragna School, near Marathahalli)(

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vedic Science Resources

We Organise High Speed Vedic Math Workshops and specialise in the subject.Visit our website to learn more about us.


SAKSI is a Spiritual movement. The aim is to spread the message of Veda and Sri Aurobindo, which imparts awareness to lead a beautiful, harmonious, creative and happy life, individually and collectively. The Institute 'SAKSI' was started in 1997 by Dr. R. L. Kashyap with the aim of disseminating the wisdom in the ancient Veda Samhita and related books.


Experience the Knowledge of India : Bharath Gyan is an initiative of D.K.Hari and his wife D.K.Hema Hari who have travelled extensively and visited number of museums, theme parks, libraries, expositions, pageants and special cultural attractions world over.

Indian Foundation for Vedic Science. To preserve the ancient Vedic heritage and culture of India by way of systematically and scientifically editing, publishing and computerizing the entire gamut of the extant Vedic and Allied literature.


Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, India


Integrating Spirituality and Mathematical Science

December 21 - 23, 2009



My Reversible Philosophy

"If everything in this world would be reversible then no pain, no sorrow, nothing to lose can get back everything again. Minimum disturbance, Minimum entropy”


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Innovation : Telephone Operated Remote Switch

National Innovation Foundation (NIF) has been pursuing the
mission of making India innovative and a creative society
since 2000 with the active support of Department of Science
and Technology, Government of India. Till date NIF has been
able to scout innovations and traditional knowledge practices
from over 520 districts across India.

Telephone Operated Remote Switch

The innovator observed the difficulty of farmers in their homes at night, who need to go to
faraway fields, as per availability of power supply, to switch the motor on or off for pumping
The innovation uses the power of a mobile phone on existing networks to enable the
farmer to know of electricity status and remotely switch the pump on or off as required,
while sitting in his home itself. This “mobile phone operated switch” is an instrument box
with an attached mobile phone and modified circuit which can toggle a device between
switch-off and switch-on conditions, besides letting the user know the status of the remote

Are you Softician ???

Very good article about "Life Of engineers and mechanics" and Commoditisation of computing skills has created a new breed of software engineers: ‘softicians’.

Excerpt from the article:

Code writers will be on top of the emerging industry pyramid, followed by developers
and softicians

Let’s look at the Indian software services industry to get some answers. The industry today is worth more than $40 billion. The export industry initially took off by offering to do low-end coding and maintenance work cheap. However, over the last 20 years, many companies, especially the big ones, have climbed up the value chain, and are doing complex work as well as simple coding, testing and maintenance work.

Today, the Indian software industry has figured out a way to succeed in the global services market by creating hybrid teams that are a mix of excellent engineers (about 30%) and average engineers (around 70%). The industry today commands 85% of the global offshoring market, so the model is obviously working well.

Improved Hand Pump - Innovation

Improved Hand Pump
Swayambhoo Sharma, Rajasthan and Chandan Agarwal, New Delhi
A Case Study
By Grassroots Innovations Augmentation Network – North (GIAN - North)
Science Park, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Benefits of Hand pump redesigned
1. To make drinking water easy and stop wastage.
2. Also to collect clean drinking water for cattle.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gifts for Mom - आज की बात

हालांकि आखिर में मज़ाक में कुछ कहा है पर यह कहानी बताती है की आज कल हम अपने मम्मी पापा

को कैसे तोफे देना पसंद करते हैं|

Three sons left home, started careers and prospered. Getting back together, they discussed the gifts that they were able to give their elderly mother for her seventieth birthday. The first said, "I built a big house for Mom."

The second said, "I sent her a Mercedes with a driver."

The third smiled and said, "I've got you both beat. You know how Mom enjoys the Bible and you know she can't see very well. I sent her a brown parrot that can recite the entire Bible. It took 20 monks in a monastery 12 years to teach him. I had to pledge to contribute $100,000 a year for 10 years, but it was worth it. Mom just has to name the chapter and verse and the parrot will recite it."

Soon thereafter, Mom sent out letters of thanks:

She wrote to the first son, "Milton, the house you built is not practical. I live in only one room, but I have to heat, cool, and clean the whole house."

She wrote to the second son, "Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay home all the time, so I never use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!"

She wrote the third son, "Dearest Melvin, you were the only son to have the good sense to know what your mother likes. The chicken was delicious."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Typing in Hindi made easy

Google has done a great work but making "Hindi Transliteration" very easy.

Using this link, we can apply Google Hindi Transliteration on any website.

Enjoy :-) - Awsome resource of knowledge

Today, I was just browsing through internet, when I found this website This is a amazing resource. Site contains an amazing collection of book which can be ordered from any where in world. Prices are also very nominal.

I must say people are making great effort to retain the "Ancient Knowledge".

Thanks to mailing list, from where I got this reference.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Orkut SPAM friend requests

"My Name",I want to be your friend on orkut. How about it? "Sender Name"

I have been getting so many friends request for last one week on ORKUT. Frineds request format is also same for all the request i.e.

I see similar discussion on Google forum also.

So be conscious before accepting any such friends request.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mozilla Firefox : Proxy server changes the langauage

Problem: I faced this issue, that if I am using a proxy server in some other country. Then for the websites which chose the language based on the country of the client, making the request. It will open the page as per the location of proxy server.

In my case, I was using a Japanese proxy server, so typing will take me to and open the search results in Japanese.

Solution: Change the language preference in "Tools > Options> Content". After this webpage was presented in desired language.

Speech on Current Education System


"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace the old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Benefit of Being an Indian - from Bharat

One of the benefit of being an Indian is that there is so much spiritual knowledge around us that whether we accept it or not. But that knowledge is hardwired into our brain from childhood. And at some point of our life, we get the true meaning of that knowledge and find it very beneficial.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Way to a Man's Heart is through his Stomach

I was just thinking.. assuming this statement to be true and in current scenario, if girl doesn't like to cook, what could happen?
1. Boys mother would be cooking the food. In that case, Mother will retain the special place in Man's heart and girl will be keep on thinking why the Man is Mama's boy.
2. Maid cooks the food. In this case, maid might find special place in Man's heart and later what could happen is known to everyone ;-).
3. Girl cooks the food. But as she doesn't like to cook the food, Man would not find the feeling in the food. So he would always be craving for that special food or might kept comparing it with someone else's like his monther/some aunt/somebody else's wife.

So learning out of this for boys is.. yaar don't be so fooddy.. try to change your DNA. Probably with this trial, we may be successful in some 400-500 years to update our DNA.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Lord Ramachandra about building the bridge

Lord Ramachandra about building the bridge Building The Bridge - His Causeless mercy on us.

Lord Ramachandra was building the bridge to reach Lanka and kill Ravana. The monkeys were carrying huge stone to build this bridge. The strongest of all monkeys was Hanuman Ji and He was carrying the biggest boulders and throwing them in the sea to make the bridge.

There was a small spider who was also assisting Lord Rama to build the bridge by pushing very small sand particles. When Haumana Ji saw the spider struggling to push small sand particles, he started laughing and asked spider -

Hanuman Ji - "What is the use of your effort?"
Lord Ramachandra called Hanuman Ji over and asked him
Lord Ramachandra - "Tell me why I am building that Bridge?"
Hanuman Ji - "Because you want to cross the ocean".
Lord Ramachandra - "This is not true. I don't have to cross the ocean. Just a few minutes ago i dried the ocean simple by getting angry. That's not the reason I could be there in one moment if I wanted. Simply by writing my name the stones are floating in the ocean."
Lord Ramachandra - "How much more potent is it if I am there?"
Hanuman Ji - "Because you want to kill Ravana."
Lord Ramachandra - "If i want to kill Ravana all I have to do is leave his heart and he will die. Only because of my presence in his heart he is living."
Hanuman Ji - "Then why you are building this bridge?"
Lord Ramachandra - "To engage all of you in the devotional service and thus get purified. Like you the spider is also struggling and trying his best to engage in devotional service."

Amazing isn't it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

क्रान्तिकारी संत मुनि श्री तरुणसागर

Jain Muni Sri Tarunsagar Maharaj

क्रान्तिकारी संत मुनि श्री तरुणसागर

1. माँ-बाप होने के नाते अपने बच्चों को खूब पढाना-लिखाना और पढा लिखा कर खूब लायक बनाना । मगर इतना लायक भी मत बना देना कि वह कल तुम्हें ही 'नालायक' समझने लगे । अगर तुमने आज यह भूल की तो कल बुढापे में तुम्हें बहुत रोना पछताना पडेगा । यह बात मैं इसलिये कह रहा हूँ क्योंकि कुछ लोग जिंदगी में यह भूल कर चुके है और वे आज रो रहे है । अब पछताने से क्या होगा जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत ।

2. बच्चों के झगडे में बडों को और सास बहू के झगडों में बाप बेटे को कभी नहीं पडना चाहिये । संभव है कि दिन में सास बहू में कुछ कहा सुनी हो तो स्वाभाविक है कि वे इसकी शिकायत रात घर लौटे अपने पति से करेगी । पतियों को उनकी शिकायत गौर से सुननी चाहिये, सहानुभूति भी दिखानी चाहिये । मगर जब सोकर उठे तो आगे पाठ-पीछे सपाट की नीति ही अपनानी चाहिये, तभी घर में एकता कायम रह सकती है ।

3. लक्ष्मी पुण्याई से मिलती है । मेहनत से मिलती हो तो मजदूरों के पास क्यों नहीं ? बुद्धि से मिलती हो तो पंडितों के पास क्यों नहीं ? जिंदगी में अच्छी संतान, सम्पत्ति और सफलता पुण्य से मिलती है । अगर आप चाहते है कि आपका इहलोक और परलोक सुखमय रहे तो पूरे दिन में कम से कम दो पुण्य जरूर करिये क्योकिं जिंदगी में सुख, सम्पत्ति और सफलता पुण्याई से मिलती है ।

4. संत को गाय जैसा होना चाहिये, हाथी जैसा नहीं । गाय घास खाती है, पर दूध, दही, छाछ , मक्खन और घी देती है । गाय का गोबर भी काम आता है । हाथी गन्ना, गुड और माल खाता है तो भी समाज को कुछ नहीं देता । संत मुनि को घास अर्थात् हल्का और सात्त्विक भोजन करना चाहिये । संत मुनि वे है जो समाज से अंजुलि भर लेते है और दरिया भर लौटाते है ।

5. संसार में अड़चन और परेशानी न आएं, यह कैसे हो सकता है ? सप्ताह में एक दिन रविवार का भी तो आयेगा ना । प्रकृति का नियम ही ऐसा है कि जिंदगी में जितना सुख-दुःख मिलना है, वह मिलता ही है । क्यों नहीं मिलेगा ? टेण्डर में जो भरोगे वही तो खुलेगा । मीठे के साथ नमकीन जरूरी है । सुख के साथ दुःख का होना भी जरूरी है । दुःख बडे काम की चीज है । जिंदगी में अगर दुःख न हो तो भगवान को कोई भी याद ही न करे ।

6. प्रश्न पूछा है – स्वर्ग मेरी मुट्ठी में हो- इसके लिये मैं क्या करूं ? कुछ मत करो । बस इतना ही करो कि दिमाग को ठंडा रखो, जेब को गरम रखो, आंखों में शरम रखो, जुबान को नरम रखो और दिल में रहम रखो । अगर तुम ऐसा कर सके तो फिर तुम्हें किसी स्वर्ग तक जाने की जरुरत नहीं है, स्वर्ग खुद तुम तक चलकर आयेगा । विडंबना तो यही है कि हम स्वर्ग तो चाहते हैं मगर स्वर्गीय होना नही चाहते ।

7. भले ही लड झगड लेना, पिट जाना, पीट देना मगर बोल चाल बंद मत करना । क्योंकि बोल चाल बंद होते ही सुलह के सारे दरवाजे बंद हो जाते है । गुस्सा बुरा नहीं है । गुस्से के बाद आदमी जो वैर जो पाल लेता है, वह बुरा है । गुस्सा तो बच्चे भी करते है, मगर बच्चे वैर नहीं पालते । वे इधर लडते झगडते है और उधर अगले ही क्षण फिर एक हो जाते है । कितना अच्छा रहे कि हर कोई बच्चा ही रहे ।

8. दुनियां में रहते हुये दो चीजों को कभी नहीं भूलना चाहिये । एक – परमात्मा, दूसरी – अपनी मौत । दो बातों को हमेशा भूल जाना चाहिये । एक – तुमने किसी का भला किया तो उसे तुरन्त भूल जाओ । दूसरी – किसी ने तुम्हारे साथ कभी कुछ बुरा किया तो उसे तुरन्त भूल जाओ । दुनियां में ये दो बातें ही याद रखने और भूल जाने जैसी है ।

9. तुम अपनी उस बेटी, बहू या बेटे को जो धर्म और अध्यात्म के प्रति उदासीन है, जो संत और सत्संग से दूर भागता है, सिर्फ एक बार मेरी प्रवचन सभा में ले आओ । बस माँ-बाप होने के नाते एक बार लाने का काम तुम्हारा है और रोज बुलाने का काम मुनि तरुणसागर का है । एक बार भी इसलिये कह रहा हूँ कि मुझे तुम्हारे घर का पता नहीं मालूम । यह मेरा आभिमान नहीं , आत्म-विश्वास है, जिसे आप आजमा सकते है |

10. डाक्टर और गुरु के सामने झूंठ मत बोलिये क्योंकिं यह झूंठ बहुत महंगा पड सकता है । गुरु के सामने झूंठ बोलने से पाप का प्रायश्चित नही होगा, डाक्टर के सामने झूंठ बोलने से रोग का निदान नहीं होगा । डाक्टर और गुरु के सामने एकदम सरल और तरल बनकर पेश हो । आप कितने ही होशियार क्यों न हो तो भी डाक्टर और गुरु के सामने अपनी होशियारी मत दिखाइये, क्योंकिं यहां होशियारी बिल्कुल काम नहीं आती ।

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nice Image

Art Of Living Bangalore Ashram

The Secret - Great Movie

Watch and ENJOY :-)

Special Thanks to "", for helping me to add flash SWF in blog. :-)

Ahimsa in Jainism

Ahimsa in Jainism

Ahiṃsā (Sanskrit : अहिंसा, Prakrit : अहिंसा) means “non-violence”, “non-injury” or absence of desire to harm any life forms. Ahiṃsā is the fundamental principle of Jainism forming the cornerstone of its ethics and doctrine. Vegetarianism and other non-violent practices and rituals of Jains flow from the principle of Ahiṃsā. According to Adian Rankin, the concept of Ahiṃsā is so much intertwined with Jainism that it conjures up images of ascetics who cover their mouths and sweep the ground before them with small brushes to avoid injuring the most minuscule forms of life and Jain-owned animal sanctuaries where even the sickest, most deformed birds and beasts are protected and cherished. These overt manifestations of an ancient faith challenge the comfortable - and near-universal - assumption of human precedence over other creatures.[1]

The Jain concept of Ahiṃsā is quite different from the concept of non-violence found in other philosophies. In other religious traditions, violence is usually associated with causing harm to others. On the other hand, in Jainism, violence refers primarily to injuring one's own self – behaviour which inhibits the souls own ability to attain mokṣa or liberation.[2] At the same time it also means violence to others because it is this tendency to harm others that ultimately harms ones own soul. Furthermore, the Jains have extended the concept of Ahiṃsā not only to humans but to all animals, plants, micro-organisms and all beings having life or life potential. All life is sacred and everyone has a right to live fearlessly to its maximum potential. The living beings do not have any fear from those who have taken the vow of Ahiṃsā. According to Jainism, protection of life, also known as abhayadānam, is the supreme charity that a person can make[3].

Ahiṃsā does not merely indicate absence of physical violence, but also indicates absence of desire to indulge in any sort of violence.[4] This Jain ideal of Ahiṃsā profoundly influenced Mahatma Gandhi, through his friendship with the Jain scholar Shrimad Rajchandra that it formed a basis of his satyagraha (truth struggle) against colonial rule and caused him to rethink many aspects of contemporary Hindu practices.[1] While Jainism is not a proselytizing religion and as such has no organised system of advocating its doctrine, Jains have been forefront in strongly advocating vegetarianism and non-violence through ages.[5] Ahiṃsā being central to the Jain philosophy, Jain Ācāryas have produced, through ages, quite elaborate and detailed doctrinal materials concerning its various aspects.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Don't copy if you can't paste!

A popular motivational speaker was entertaining his audience. Said he:
"The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my

The audience was in silence and shock.
The speaker added: "And that woman was my mother!"
Laughter and applause.

A week later, a top manager trained by the motivational speaker tried to
crack this very effective joke at home. He was a bit foggy after a drink.

He said loudly, "The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a
woman who was not my wife!"
The wife went wan with shock and rage.
Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the
joke, the manager finally blurted out "... and I can't remember who she

Moral of the story:
Don't copy if you can't paste!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Current Marriage Scenario in India

Read this nice article today :)

Dr. Thara says, "marriage is often not the happily-ever-after phenomena as portrayed in fairy tales or films, nor is it a permanent state of romance. It is a life-long process of cementing a relationship in the face of several adversities and an ongoing process of physical and emotional accommodation, sharing and loving. Young people should neither idealise it too much nor have their knives sharpened all the time.

"There is no perfect marriage and there never will be one - neither is it necessary to be so. All the fun will be lost if marriage is always sedate and predictable."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fw: Free Laptop from Ericsson- plz dont ignore

Hi All,
FYI, this is a hoax mail. Please refer the following links.


Hi all,

Please find the PROMO below.Try your Luck :-)

Impact of Education | Way we are putting our efforts

एक दिन एक लड़का कॉलेज से घर जा रहा था| उसने देखा के एक बैल खडा है जिसके गले में घंटी बंधी है| वो लड़की उस बैल के पास जा कर बोला कि तुम्हारे गले में यह घंटी क्यों बंधी है| बैल ने कहा, ताकि मेरे मालिक को पता रहे कि में चल रहा हूँ| बैल ने कहा पर घंटी तो तुम खड़े हो कर ही गर्दन हिला कर बजा सकते हो, फिर मालिक को कैसे पता चलेगा| बैल ने कहा में ऐसा नहीं करूंगा| लड़के ने कहा पर क्यों| बैल ने कहाँ क्योंकि में कभी कॉलेज नहीं गया ना|

शायद कॉलेज जा कर हम यही सीख रहे है|

These days, we are looking for solutions like how to make that bell so intelligent, that OX would not be able to fool. But we are not putting effort in direction, that why OX is behaving this way.



This is as per there... Terms and Conditions.

> *"By registering for Yaari and agreeing to the Terms of Use, you authorize
> Yaari to send an email notification to all the contacts listed in the
> address book of the email address you provide during registration. "*

So as soon as somebody registered to YAARI, everyone in the primary email address book account will be sent a mail.

For more information:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bangalore Events on 9th May, 2009

ACM Tech Talk | Title: Security aspects of Wireless Cellular Systems |
Date: 9th May 2009 - 10.30am-12.00noon |
Honeywell, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore


WiCamp Bangalore

Saturday, 9th May, 2009

10 AM till 5 PM (Lunch on)

Main Auditorium, DMS, IISc Bangalore

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Aajadi Bachao Andolan by Rajiv Dixit

Recently, I come to know about Rajiv Dixit through "Bharat Swabhiman" discussion during Ramdev Yoga programme on Astha TV. I was amazed to know the fact and information share by Rajiv Dixit. I found further information about Rajiv Dixit and his "Aajadi Bachao Andolan". Futher I found the links of audio speech by Rajiv Je on various issues.

All Links:









Patent_Kaanoon_Aur_Davaaon_Par_Hamla(links not working)

CTBT_Aur_Bharathiya_Asmitha(links not working)


Khethi_Aur_Kisano_Ki_Ghulami(links not working)


Prathiba_palaayan_--_Pune_Engg_College_speech(links not working)

Svadeshi_Andholan_Me_Ganesh_Utsav_Ka_Mahatva(links not working)




Monday, April 6, 2009

Security Design from Ancient India

For past sometime, I have been reading something or other about our Vedic culture and also the scientific verification of the advanced facts mentioned there. Below mentioned articles might give more information in this direction:
Blog Entry:

Now having said that, I have been thinking that be it Cyber Security or physical security, there must be some basic rule or security design which might be mentioned in any of our ancient books. Probably we are putting are effort in the wrong directions and that is why internet is still very insecure.

One example could be, information and knowledge is for sharing purpose like OWASP and GNU are working. Now take the case of entertainment industry. They are trying to invent technology that can stop piracy but if we think it from design perspective "Knowledge/Fun is to share, not to patent and sell" like Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharata. Any geek would agree that there can't be any piracy protection technology, which can't be cracked. So in a way we are putting our effort in wrong direction.

Similarly, what is the right direction/design for security? If anyone like to share any information or anyone whom they thing could give me some direction, that would be a great help.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jain History | Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talking about Jainism

sheet#94 count#4 Q#3
Q: Guruji, why in your so many tapes, discourses, there is very little mention on Lord Mahavira. Please let us know more about him.
Sri Sri: I've spoken quite a bit on Mahavira, Recently we had Mahavira Jayanti also. Mahavir was contemporary of Buddha. Buddha spoke about emptiness, Mahavira spoke about Self. Buddha said there is no self, Mahavira said all that is, is Self. Mahavira never spoke, infact he sat in silence and in His presence people started getting knowledge. So when you are all in silence, know that that is Mahavira's speech and it is ridiculous to talk a lot about silence (laughter).In Jain temples, you have Mahavira, he was 24th tirthankara, last tirthankar and you would find his statue in meditative pose and as soon as you would sit in front of smiling serene figure, you would also become like that. He would tell you how you should sit and with what serenity and just know that you are the Atma the Self and it conveys the whole philosophy.

One of the main things of Mahavira, main principle is 'Syathva' i.e. perhaps. He would always add perhaps in everyone of his expressions. There is room for exploration. If you say, this is like this, you are making it so definite. In this world nothing is definite there is always a possibility, perhaps, that is called 'syathva'. In Physics also the subject object relationship changes, whatever you know, you know in a particular level of consciousness. When your consciousness changes your understanding changes. You can never know 100% unless you become that thing. Its so amazing that Mahavira 2500-2600 years back he came up with 'perhaps' principle, when law of uncertainty, theory of relativity came up in this century, in the previous century perhaps (laughter).

Mahavira's main principle is non-violence ('ahimsa').
You have no right to be violent on anything in the world. Second is 'Swadhyaya'. Study your emotions, your mind, your consciousness. 'Kayothsarga' Rise above your body, you are not the body. Body is changing. 'Tapas' Forbearance, opposites happen in the world, people love you, hate you, people compliment you, you get derogatory remarks. Tapah - forbearance, heat and cold, nature is all conflicting. it has full of opposites. Moving in life with Tapah.

These are the principles of Jainism.And then is 'kShama' - whether knowingly or unknowingly if anything has happened to anyone by acting or not acting you ask for forgiveness. 'Dashlakshini' - 10 days of celebration and prayers in the last day is the 'kShama-achana' - whether with my intentions or unintentions, knowingly or unknowingly, if I have become the cause of any sadness, sorrow for you, please forgive me. Asking for forgiveness, highest principle. Isn't it? When everyone comes from that space of I'm the one responsible for all the experiences pleasant or unpleasant, but if I become the cause of any unpleasant experiences I have ask for forgiveness, ask myself for forgiveness. Its the pinnacle of humility.So the ritual is, every Jain is to ask everyone forgiveness. Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Not only by doing something wrong happens, but by not doing also something wrong happens. Do you see what I'm saying. Suppose you have to do a job and you don't do it, then also you are responsible, you ask for forgiveness. 'kShama-achana' - another principle of Jainism. Hmmm....To ask forgiveness from everyone, mind has to be in such a serene, humble, pleasant state, isn't it? When there is aggression in you, you start justifying yourself, you stop knowing yourself. So they did that space for you to justify yourself. Ask forgiveness. You know that immediately softens the other person's heart also. Someone does something wrong to you and they come and ask forgiveness, would you give them or not? What would you do? When you forgive someone, you become light, you start feeling lighter and all that anger and hatred and that chain of action and reaction drops and you become friendly again. Real virtue is to forgive someone even before they ask for forgiveness. If you don't have that then at least when they ask for forgiveness you have to forgive them. And I don't think you would not, if anyone in spite of pleading for forgiveness, and when you forgive you are the one to benefit. You think you did a great thing, I tell you, you are wrong. When you forgive its you who become free otherwise holding onto that is such a misery. Very good.

Know more about Jainism

Few articles which will help you know more about Jain culture.

णमो अरिहन्ताणम्
णमो सिध्धाणम्
णमो आइरियाणम्
णमो उवझ्झायणम्
णमो लोये सव्वसाहुणम्

ऎसो पन्च णमोकारो
मन्गलाणम्चा सव्वेसिम्
पढमम हवई म॑गलम्

**Santhara (also Sallekhana, Santhara, Samadhi-marana, Samnyasa-marana), is the Jain religious ritual of voluntary death by fasting. Jainism believes that each and every action (eating included) may or may not become karma. Jains are strictly vegetarian, but a tree, even if it has only one sense, has life, and hence taking away a piece of it (vegetable, fruit, leaf) hurts it - thereby adding a negative karma to all who encourage this process. Besides, there may be living organisms surviving in that fruit/vegetable/leaf that one eats. So by eating, one hurts the tree/plant and also possibly kills organisms living in it. In fact, since water also has microscopic organisms, even drinking water adds to one's karma.

The basic idea in different kinds of Jain fasting is to acquire a lowest possible negative karma and purify oneself in the process. Santhara, in this sense, is the best way to purification.


**Rishabh Dev (ऋषभदेव) or Adinatha was the first of the 24 Tirthankara. Rishabh existed before civilization developed. He taught people agriculture, tending of animals, cooking, and more. His eldest son - Bharat - was a chakravarti king - the conqueror of the known world. India was named Bhārata-varsha or Bhārata after him.

**Sorry Telling day -
Samvtsari - Paryushan
Khamemi savve jive, (I forgive all the living beings)
Savve jiva khammatu me, ( May all living beings please forgive me)
Metti me savve bhuyeshu, (My friendship is with everyone)
Veram majaham na kenai. (My enmity is totally nonexistent)


Jain History | Origin of Word Bharat-varsha

Rishabh Dev (ऋषभदेव) or Adinatha was the first of the 24 Tirthankara. Rishabh existed before civilization developed. He taught people agriculture, tending of animals, cooking, and more. His eldest son - Bharat - was a chakravarti king - the conqueror of the known world. India was named Bhārata-varsha or Bhārata after him.

Modern scholars are of opinion that Rishabha was a historical person based on many archeological and literary evidences. P. C. Roychoudary puts the date of Rishabha at the end of Stone Age and beginning of Agriculture age.

Jainism has historical facts and it is non-vedic.It prevailed before vedic influence arrived in India. The Yogi idol found in Indus Valley and certain Mantras of Rigveda prescribe the names of Rishabhdeo and Aristhnemi which are main basis of this ideaology. The story of Lord Rishabh in Bhagwat and Vishnu Puran also clearifies the antiquity of Jain religion.

"The idol carved in Kayotsarga Mudra in Harappa is fully a Sramanic, non-vedic idol. On its face the simplicity or grace appears from distance."

Dr. Kashiprasad Jayaswal has also compared the same with the one of oldest idol of Tirthankar (Lord) Mahavir found in India. There is clear resemblance in naked idol of Harappa and this Jain idol. Their superiority is Yog Mudra (The Indus valley civilisation and Rishabhdeo V.G. Nair Page-1). Yoga as claimed by vedic masters ,is originally part of proto-dravidian brahmi , non-sanskrit culture, thus it is non-vedic and considered to be part of Jain, sraminic or vratya culture.

In Jain tradition, he is more than a Tirthankar. As a king, he is credited with development of several innovations affecting the society, as transition was being made from a simple to a more complex society. According to Vrihat-svayambhuu stotra:
प्रजापतिर्यः प्रथमं जिजीविषुः शशास कृष्यादिसु कर्मसु प्रजाः
(As first Prajapati, he taught people who wanted to earn a living various trades.)
The Bhagavata Purana says: [2]:
अष्टमे मेरुदेव्यां तु नाभेर्जात उरूक्रमः. दर्शयन वर्म धीराणां सर्वाश्रमनमस्कृतम्
(In the womb of Merudevi, wife of Nabhi, Rishaba had his eighth avatara. He showed himself in a form that is to be worshipped by those in any stage of life (ashrama).)

Bhāgavata calls him "शरीर मात्र परिग्रह " (body his only possession), "गगन परिधानः " (wearing the sky), वातरशना (wearing the wind).


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

Just to give an example, see the reference in Veda for Pythagoras Theorem.

Please watch this video for more such eyeopening informations. This is a must watch video, an eyeopener for our GenX. A clear message that how we have not shown respect to our core knowledge.

Thanks to for sharing this information about this video.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Videos I love the Most

Haryanvi Song

Hindi Kavita

Shravanabelagola: Tallest monolithic statue in the world

Situated in the Hassan District, 157 km from Bangalore.The statue of Gomateshwara Bhagwaan Bahubali is located atop Vindhyagiri mountain.
At 57 feet, it is the tallest monolithic statue in the world.
There are 650 steps to the top of the platform.Is the place where Chandragupta, the founder of the Mauryan dynasty, became a Jain ascetic after relinquishing his throne. The statue of Gomateshwara is 1026 years old. Shravanabelagola is the seat of the ancient Bhattaraka Math, belonging to the Desiya Gana lineage of Mula Sangh, from the Digambar monastic tradition. Mahamastakabhisheka is held in Sravanbelagola once in 12 years and attracts a huge number of devout worshippers from all over the world.

Voting for SEVEN wonders of India:

Sixth Sense to Next Level

Watch this video. Quite interesting.
Well Done Pranav.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Google's Security Challenge.

Google Challenges Hackers to Native Client Security Contest
Google wants hackers to take their best shot at cracking Native Client security. Google is offering prizes for the top five vulnerabilities hackers can find. The contest ends May 5. Google is hosting a contest to get its hands on security flaws affecting its Native Client technology.
Native Client is an open-source research technology for running x86 native code in Web applications. As an incentive, Google is offering five cash prizes, the largest of which is $8,192. Second place is $4,096, third is $2,048 and both the fourth and fifth place prizes are $1,024. All amounts are in U.S. dollars.
The contest will end just before midnight Pacific Time on May 5.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spectator today -> Victim Tomorrow | Election Reforms

We all know that country like "Bharat"(India), which is considered the GURU in ancient times is going through a bad phase mostly because of "BAD POLITICS". All the problem we talk about today, have there roots in bad politics. Open any newspaper, and we can easily see this link for any/every bad news.

Movies like "Rang De Basanti" have also highlighted the same frustration of youth but no feasible answer. Youth is still confused that, what they can do to help things get better.

Though we try to "Keep BLIND eyes"(besides watching news), but we can't. Deep inside we know, that we have to do something.

In this scenario, lets start to think SIMPLE. Lets follow the "Information is safety"(Jaankaari he bachaav hai). Recently I got a chance to attend a session by IIMB professors who are trying to reduce the criminalization of politics. First step towards ADR(Association For Democratic Reforms. Here also no active participation is required from our side(as I said, try to be SIMPLE and EASY).

(Action-1 Know)Just know that which political position is having maximum impact on you and person sitting on it. So if you are in living in XYZ constituency, then person holding the political chair in that constituency is having maximum impact on your life. So just KNOW the person sitting on that chair. Just KNOW the name and criminal record of the person. Information is made public by initiative like ADR(Association For Democratic Reforms) in many forums.

(Action-2 Find Your Constituency)
Based on Pincode, you can find constituency.

(Action-3 - Read) National Election Watch (NEW) Report on state Assembly Elections 2008
• National Election Watch Report
• Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2008
• Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2008
• Delhi Assembly Elections 2008
• Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections 2008

I don't think, there could be anything simpler then this.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Science is proving, whatever is written in Indian Scriptures

People does not easily rely on whatever is written in Indian Scriptures but we put emphasis on Scientific findings.

Good thing what I have seen is that consider any survey/report/scientific inventions.. they will prove whatever is already written in the scriptures.

Take it another way, that I have not come across a single proof which can contradict, anything from these Ancient Master pieces.

So if we show some respect to our ancestor and try to believe what they have said, it will make our life easier.

We have seen the results of GenX thinking of being INDEPENDENT. Movies like Page3, fashion have already conveyed the ideas. People are doing suicides for reasons like failure-in-exams, love etc. People who are doings jobs, says they don't find the life interesting.

So its time to change our reference point. Trying to be OPEN to new thoughts and then I am sure we will get the true meaning of Independence.

People should read about Bharat Swabhiman Movement Started by Swami RamDev. Don't follow it but also don't keep your eyes closed.

(IN) Secure Magazine by Help Net Securiy

Subscribe to this magazine and enhance your Security knowledge.

TATA NEN Hottest Startups - Dare to Try

Tata NEN hottest startups is a very good initiative by TATAs. Now people will get a chance to showcase there ideas.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bharat Swabhiman (Trust)- Its Structure, Plan, Objectives & Norms In Brief

Today morning, I got a chance to get so much information, that I did not know at all. Today(12th Feb, 2009), on Astha Channel, part of Swami RamDev Yog, information was shared about Indian Culture.

It was Awsome!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Further info on

Barcamp Bangalore 8 @ YAHOO 7-8 March

... time for a new journey.

Book your dates on 7-8th March for the
8th edition of Barcamp
Bangalore @ Yahoo!

We have made a few changes in the event this time and we will post the details in the
coming days.

But its time for you guys to start preparing your sessions, tweeting,
, or anything else you find interesting. Just stay tuned for further announcements!

For those Design gurus interested in the Logo Competition please head here.

Last date for submission of logos is 10-Feb-2009.
Join the barcamp bangalore mailing list

Attakkalari Bangalore Feb 6-15

Performances in Theaters
Dance Theatre CcadoO
Dance Theatre CcadoO

February 7th | Dance Theatre CcadoO | South Korea

The Murder in the Elevator

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Moya Michael
Moya Michael

February 7th | An evening of duets by Moya Michael | Belgium/India

We Come for Conversations | Scratch

Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 75 mins
Dance Theatre CcadoO
Dance Theatre CcadoO

February 8th | Dance Theatre CcadoO | South Korea

The Murder in the Elevator

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Hema Bharathy Palani   |   Preeti Athreya
Hema Bharathy Palani | Preeti Athreya

February 8th | India

Chaaya | Porcelain

Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 15mins 38mins (there will be an interval in between)
Rhythmosaic Dance Company   |   Jonah Bokaer
Rhythmosaic Dance Company | Jonah Bokaer

February 9th | India | USA

Quantransitions | Charade

Venue – Alliance Française | Time – 6:00 pm | Duration: 20mins 30mins (there will be an interval in between)
Nrityagram Dance Ensemble
Nrityagram Dance Ensemble

February 9th | India

Mixed Bill

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
NATYA S T E M Dance Kampni
NATYA S T E M Dance Kampni

February 10th | India

Mixed Bill

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts
Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts

February 10th | India


Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts
Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts

February 11th | India


Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins

February 11th | India

Cosmic Dance of Siva

Venue – JSS Auditorium | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Cie Philippe Saire
Cie Philippe Saire

February 12th | Switzerland

Could I just draw your attention to the brevity of life?

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Tom Alter ¯ |   Pascal Sieger   |   Suresh Kaliyath
Tom Alter | Pascal Sieger | Suresh Kaliyath

February 12th | India


Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 90 mins
Sinha Danse Company
Sinha Danse Company

February 12th | Canada

Burning Skin | Quebesian Rhapsody | Zero's & One's

Venue – Alliance Française | Time – 6.00 p.m | Duration: 90mins (there will be an interval in between)
Kalpana Raghuram   |   Faso Dance Theatre
Kalpana Raghuraman | Faso Dance Theatre

February 12th | The Netherlands | Burkina Faso

Minimini | In Between Skin | I lost my English

Venue – JSS Auditorium | Time – 7:30 p.m | Duration: 80mins (there will be an interval in between)
Padmini Chettur Dance Company
Padmini Chettur Dance Company

February 13th | India


Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Cie Philippe Saire
Cie Philippe Saire

February 13th | Switzerland

Could I just draw your attention to the brevity of life?

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 4:30 pm | Duration: 60 mins
Master Class Performance
Master Class Performance

February 13th | USA | India

FDDC Master Class Performance

Venue – Alliance Française | Time – 5:30 p.m | Duration: 30 mins
Materiais Diversos
Materiais Diversos

February 14th | Portugal

Matrioska - a performance for children above 8 years

Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 pm | Duration: 40 mins
Materiais Diversos
Materiais Diversos

February 15th | Portugal

Various Materials | Um Solo

Venue – Ranga Shankara | Time – 7:30 p.m | Duration: 52mins 30mins (there will be an interval in between)
Samir Akika
Samir Akika

February 15th | Germany

ETE – Extended Teenage Era

Venue – Chowdiah Memorial Hall | Time – 6:30 pm | Duration: 110 mins
A man is found dead in an elevator. The cause of death remains a mystery. Suicide is likely, but there are no letters left to his family. Besides, there are some clues that he might have been moved to this place after his death. One peculiar thing is that the autopsy shows an image lasting for about 15 seconds that was stored in the brain of the deceased man. The image of a blue sky and a single tree with no shadow overhead is presented.
The piece is a work in progress by Moya Michael who was invited to work with the dancers Diya Naidu and Hema Bharathy for the month of July in 2008. The imagery and movement phrases are largely about the interaction of two physical bodies that at various points of the performance actually seem like one, this physicality borrows from the Indian mythological and religious characters of goddesses like Saraswati and her avatars as well as animalistic movements.
A man is found dead in an elevator. The cause of death remains a mystery. Suicide is likely, but there are no letters left to his family. Besides, there are some clues that he might have been moved to this place after his death. One peculiar thing is that the autopsy shows an image lasting for about 15 seconds that was stored in the brain of the deceased man. The image of a blue sky and a single tree with no shadow overhead is presented.
Porcelain – the most refined of all ceramic wares – impervious, translucent, resonant. Porcelain that is brittle and fragile. Harder than steel, white as snow. Porcelain that resists higher temperatures than stone. And porcelain that breaks…
The notion that the stage is a place where the invisible can appear has a strong hold on our thoughts. It is a place where we allow our senses to mingle. We hear the scene, we see the speech.

Chaaya - Even if a child is not able to comprehend the gravity of an experience intellectually, the body remembers at the cellular level, visceral reactions leaving traces long after the event. The mind blocks out the violations but revisits these happenings through recurring nightmares. Smells, sounds, people, objects, touch and taste briefly awaken memories of dark and unpleasant encounters. Chaaya is an exploration of such unwanted encounters.
Matter, energy, dynamism and quantity are the key essences of existence. Every phenomenon in this world happens in relation with another -- like falling leaves have a relation with the wind that blows, a teardrop is directly or indirectly related to the emotional turmoil that takes place within an individual.

'CHARADE' is a technology-influenced solo that has been animated, choreographed, and performed by Jonah Bokaer through the use of digital choreographic software. It takes the deconstruction of modernist portraiture as its inspiration, presenting a digital “maquette” which is mimicked by the performer.
PRAARAMBHA - hymn of creation
At first, there was but ONE. That ONE thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature, beyond that, there was nothingness.

CHHAYA - imageA submission to the inherently lyrical form of Odissi, this dance explores the various dimensions of its abstract vocabulary.
MUGDHA - lost in love

'Murali paani . . .' is an Oriya poem interpreted through facial expressions (bhava) and gestures (mudra):

VIBHAKTA - the division
In the union and the separation of the male and female principle lies the secret of all creation. Each acknowledges and celebrates the existence of the other.

A salutation to the presiding deities of Odissi dance, the goddess Vimala and Lord Jagannath.
'From you comes all life; and into you we must all return'.

Dancers: Bijayini Satpathy, Pavithra Reddy, Rasmi Raj, Manasi Tripathy.
The Kampni will present an amalgam of excerpts from its newest work 'Mandala', which is based on the premise that formlessness gains articulation when translated into design. Divine forces are propitiated in the form of symbols in all cultures of the world; triangles and circles represent the various transformations of reality that culminate in the universe of mind and matter.

Apart from ensemble pieces like ‘Ushas' and ‘Taraana', Madhu Nataraj and Janardhan will present two solo works – ‘Bindu - the womb of brilliance' and ‘Naadaantaa' respectively.
Inspired by the Tamil epic 'Chilappathikaram', Attakkalari's multi-media dance production is an episodical journey, traversing layers of temporal and physical locations that often defy conventional notions of space and chronology. Establishing a link, between the landscape and the emotional as well as spiritual mindset of the protagonist, images from ordinary human existence encounter the intervention of inexplicable forces.
Inspired by the Tamil epic 'Chilappathikaram', Attakkalari's multi-media dance production is an episodical journey, traversing layers of temporal and physical locations that often defy conventional notions of space and chronology. Establishing a link, between the landscape and the emotional as well as spiritual mindset of the protagonist, images from ordinary human existence encounter the intervention of inexplicable forces.
In 'The Cosmic Dance of Siva', Nataraja is both symbol and reality. It is the movement of creation, preservation and dissolution. This triad, taken together, is the principle of Maya. Shiva is the Divine Dancer, visualized in terms of motion and vibration. Nataraja personifies the kinetic aspect of Siva's divinity – the elemental force through the power of which the whole universe is created, sustained, and ultimately destroyed. We are all dancing with Siva this very moment, and He with us. This cosmic dance of Siva is called Anandatandava, the Dance of Bliss.
In contrast to previous Philippe Saire creations, 'Could I just draw your attention to the brevity of life?' performs a delicate upheaval of the normal conventions of entertainment and plays on them in a light yet precise way. What is the driving force of our lives and universal need? And in answer to the question posed in the title, a surprise finale, a sort of reminder of the fragility of this universe.

- - None - -

Zeros & Ones
Developed in the Winter 2008 in Bengaluru, India's 'Silicon Valley', this piece highlights the digital divide separating e-haves and e-have nots.

Burning Skin
Many different forms of movement have influenced the choreography in Burning Skin - the martial arts, ballet, modern dance, bharata natyam as well as Roger Sinha's own unique vocabulary based on improvisation.

Quebasian Rhapsody
In a fluid form of movement mixed with various dynamic accents, the choreographer deconstructs the controlled and formalized techniques of Bharatanatyam and integrates it into his own personal, explosive and very fast movement style.
Minimini (turning around and around)
Minimini is about an experience of the life of the choreographer, Serge Aimé Coulibaly. In traditional African societies, when you want to express something strongly, you start with speech and when this is not sufficient you move on to dancing and singing. And sometimes you reach a trance-like state.

In Between Skin
Do you get sun burnt? Indian women do not laugh this loudly.What language do you dream in?
The suitcase contains dance and text making it a theatrical performance with a strong dramatic undertone.

I lost my English
I lost my English deals with cultural alienation and the intellectual dominion and the social and economic oppression that language can contain. When the way these words sound suddenly speak volumes about your history, your country and perhaps nothing about what those words mean in the dictionary.
Anger, pain, pleasure, happiness, sorrow, love, lust. Pushed is all of these journeys. Six dancers enter and exit in quick succession weaving a long and linear non-narrative that moves from one transition to the next seamlessly. The intention is to blur the lines of emotionality. To move the emotional from the tangible subjective to an intangible objective. Emotion is then our ability to find balance but also to lose.
In contrast to previous Philippe Saire creations, 'Could I just draw your attention to the brevity of life?' performs a delicate upheaval of the normal conventions of entertainment and plays on them in a light yet precise way. What is the driving force of our lives and universal need? And in answer to the question posed in the title, a surprise finale, a sort of reminder of the fragility of this universe.

- - None - -

Matrioska is based on the idea that there are overlapped layers in the things we see.
What we see in front of our eyes is often not more than the first image, the most immediate of many others behind it. This state of constant discovery, this curiosity about the images presented and their mutation is what we want to convey. What's behind that? What's inside this? What's that shadow? Is there someone inside it? What language does this singer sing? What's hiding beneath this shape?
UM SOLO (2002)
Um Solo functions like an echo chamber: it is where Tiago Guedes awaits and welcomes the spectator. It is in this shared space that his gestures detached from the rest, seem to express an inner voice deflected by any object he handles. The objects are silent and mysterious precisely because they are mute. To misuse them is to derange their functionality opening the possibility of creating new meanings.

Tiago Guedes exhibits an absolutely exact presence, total but detached, in the middle of a small world made of different materials - newspapers, trash bags, scotch tape and others. He lines up metaphors and as if a child becoming an adult artist, he recomposes the parable.
E.T.E. – Extended Teenage Era: This dance theatre piece is a study of the present generation of young artists that learn well but without steady jobs. Because they have no chance to find their place in the adult world, they live within the limitations presented by parents and fill their world with the power of the imagination and memories out of the teenager time. Change is the magic word. The piece is characterised by a playful lightness and subversive jokes as well as with absolute dance and body control.