This blog is about having fun

Let the mind THINK and let the face SMILE. I am able to achive these by..
- Sharing thoughts.
- Fun

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jain History | Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talking about Jainism

sheet#94 count#4 Q#3
Q: Guruji, why in your so many tapes, discourses, there is very little mention on Lord Mahavira. Please let us know more about him.
Sri Sri: I've spoken quite a bit on Mahavira, Recently we had Mahavira Jayanti also. Mahavir was contemporary of Buddha. Buddha spoke about emptiness, Mahavira spoke about Self. Buddha said there is no self, Mahavira said all that is, is Self. Mahavira never spoke, infact he sat in silence and in His presence people started getting knowledge. So when you are all in silence, know that that is Mahavira's speech and it is ridiculous to talk a lot about silence (laughter).In Jain temples, you have Mahavira, he was 24th tirthankara, last tirthankar and you would find his statue in meditative pose and as soon as you would sit in front of smiling serene figure, you would also become like that. He would tell you how you should sit and with what serenity and just know that you are the Atma the Self and it conveys the whole philosophy.

One of the main things of Mahavira, main principle is 'Syathva' i.e. perhaps. He would always add perhaps in everyone of his expressions. There is room for exploration. If you say, this is like this, you are making it so definite. In this world nothing is definite there is always a possibility, perhaps, that is called 'syathva'. In Physics also the subject object relationship changes, whatever you know, you know in a particular level of consciousness. When your consciousness changes your understanding changes. You can never know 100% unless you become that thing. Its so amazing that Mahavira 2500-2600 years back he came up with 'perhaps' principle, when law of uncertainty, theory of relativity came up in this century, in the previous century perhaps (laughter).

Mahavira's main principle is non-violence ('ahimsa').
You have no right to be violent on anything in the world. Second is 'Swadhyaya'. Study your emotions, your mind, your consciousness. 'Kayothsarga' Rise above your body, you are not the body. Body is changing. 'Tapas' Forbearance, opposites happen in the world, people love you, hate you, people compliment you, you get derogatory remarks. Tapah - forbearance, heat and cold, nature is all conflicting. it has full of opposites. Moving in life with Tapah.

These are the principles of Jainism.And then is 'kShama' - whether knowingly or unknowingly if anything has happened to anyone by acting or not acting you ask for forgiveness. 'Dashlakshini' - 10 days of celebration and prayers in the last day is the 'kShama-achana' - whether with my intentions or unintentions, knowingly or unknowingly, if I have become the cause of any sadness, sorrow for you, please forgive me. Asking for forgiveness, highest principle. Isn't it? When everyone comes from that space of I'm the one responsible for all the experiences pleasant or unpleasant, but if I become the cause of any unpleasant experiences I have ask for forgiveness, ask myself for forgiveness. Its the pinnacle of humility.So the ritual is, every Jain is to ask everyone forgiveness. Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Not only by doing something wrong happens, but by not doing also something wrong happens. Do you see what I'm saying. Suppose you have to do a job and you don't do it, then also you are responsible, you ask for forgiveness. 'kShama-achana' - another principle of Jainism. Hmmm....To ask forgiveness from everyone, mind has to be in such a serene, humble, pleasant state, isn't it? When there is aggression in you, you start justifying yourself, you stop knowing yourself. So they did that space for you to justify yourself. Ask forgiveness. You know that immediately softens the other person's heart also. Someone does something wrong to you and they come and ask forgiveness, would you give them or not? What would you do? When you forgive someone, you become light, you start feeling lighter and all that anger and hatred and that chain of action and reaction drops and you become friendly again. Real virtue is to forgive someone even before they ask for forgiveness. If you don't have that then at least when they ask for forgiveness you have to forgive them. And I don't think you would not, if anyone in spite of pleading for forgiveness, and when you forgive you are the one to benefit. You think you did a great thing, I tell you, you are wrong. When you forgive its you who become free otherwise holding onto that is such a misery. Very good.

Know more about Jainism

Few articles which will help you know more about Jain culture.

णमो अरिहन्ताणम्
णमो सिध्धाणम्
णमो आइरियाणम्
णमो उवझ्झायणम्
णमो लोये सव्वसाहुणम्

ऎसो पन्च णमोकारो
मन्गलाणम्चा सव्वेसिम्
पढमम हवई म॑गलम्

**Santhara (also Sallekhana, Santhara, Samadhi-marana, Samnyasa-marana), is the Jain religious ritual of voluntary death by fasting. Jainism believes that each and every action (eating included) may or may not become karma. Jains are strictly vegetarian, but a tree, even if it has only one sense, has life, and hence taking away a piece of it (vegetable, fruit, leaf) hurts it - thereby adding a negative karma to all who encourage this process. Besides, there may be living organisms surviving in that fruit/vegetable/leaf that one eats. So by eating, one hurts the tree/plant and also possibly kills organisms living in it. In fact, since water also has microscopic organisms, even drinking water adds to one's karma.

The basic idea in different kinds of Jain fasting is to acquire a lowest possible negative karma and purify oneself in the process. Santhara, in this sense, is the best way to purification.


**Rishabh Dev (ऋषभदेव) or Adinatha was the first of the 24 Tirthankara. Rishabh existed before civilization developed. He taught people agriculture, tending of animals, cooking, and more. His eldest son - Bharat - was a chakravarti king - the conqueror of the known world. India was named Bhārata-varsha or Bhārata after him.

**Sorry Telling day -
Samvtsari - Paryushan
Khamemi savve jive, (I forgive all the living beings)
Savve jiva khammatu me, ( May all living beings please forgive me)
Metti me savve bhuyeshu, (My friendship is with everyone)
Veram majaham na kenai. (My enmity is totally nonexistent)


Jain History | Origin of Word Bharat-varsha

Rishabh Dev (ऋषभदेव) or Adinatha was the first of the 24 Tirthankara. Rishabh existed before civilization developed. He taught people agriculture, tending of animals, cooking, and more. His eldest son - Bharat - was a chakravarti king - the conqueror of the known world. India was named Bhārata-varsha or Bhārata after him.

Modern scholars are of opinion that Rishabha was a historical person based on many archeological and literary evidences. P. C. Roychoudary puts the date of Rishabha at the end of Stone Age and beginning of Agriculture age.

Jainism has historical facts and it is non-vedic.It prevailed before vedic influence arrived in India. The Yogi idol found in Indus Valley and certain Mantras of Rigveda prescribe the names of Rishabhdeo and Aristhnemi which are main basis of this ideaology. The story of Lord Rishabh in Bhagwat and Vishnu Puran also clearifies the antiquity of Jain religion.

"The idol carved in Kayotsarga Mudra in Harappa is fully a Sramanic, non-vedic idol. On its face the simplicity or grace appears from distance."

Dr. Kashiprasad Jayaswal has also compared the same with the one of oldest idol of Tirthankar (Lord) Mahavir found in India. There is clear resemblance in naked idol of Harappa and this Jain idol. Their superiority is Yog Mudra (The Indus valley civilisation and Rishabhdeo V.G. Nair Page-1). Yoga as claimed by vedic masters ,is originally part of proto-dravidian brahmi , non-sanskrit culture, thus it is non-vedic and considered to be part of Jain, sraminic or vratya culture.

In Jain tradition, he is more than a Tirthankar. As a king, he is credited with development of several innovations affecting the society, as transition was being made from a simple to a more complex society. According to Vrihat-svayambhuu stotra:
प्रजापतिर्यः प्रथमं जिजीविषुः शशास कृष्यादिसु कर्मसु प्रजाः
(As first Prajapati, he taught people who wanted to earn a living various trades.)
The Bhagavata Purana says: [2]:
अष्टमे मेरुदेव्यां तु नाभेर्जात उरूक्रमः. दर्शयन वर्म धीराणां सर्वाश्रमनमस्कृतम्
(In the womb of Merudevi, wife of Nabhi, Rishaba had his eighth avatara. He showed himself in a form that is to be worshipped by those in any stage of life (ashrama).)

Bhāgavata calls him "शरीर मात्र परिग्रह " (body his only possession), "गगन परिधानः " (wearing the sky), वातरशना (wearing the wind).


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

Just to give an example, see the reference in Veda for Pythagoras Theorem.

Please watch this video for more such eyeopening informations. This is a must watch video, an eyeopener for our GenX. A clear message that how we have not shown respect to our core knowledge.

Thanks to for sharing this information about this video.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Videos I love the Most

Haryanvi Song

Hindi Kavita

Shravanabelagola: Tallest monolithic statue in the world

Situated in the Hassan District, 157 km from Bangalore.The statue of Gomateshwara Bhagwaan Bahubali is located atop Vindhyagiri mountain.
At 57 feet, it is the tallest monolithic statue in the world.
There are 650 steps to the top of the platform.Is the place where Chandragupta, the founder of the Mauryan dynasty, became a Jain ascetic after relinquishing his throne. The statue of Gomateshwara is 1026 years old. Shravanabelagola is the seat of the ancient Bhattaraka Math, belonging to the Desiya Gana lineage of Mula Sangh, from the Digambar monastic tradition. Mahamastakabhisheka is held in Sravanbelagola once in 12 years and attracts a huge number of devout worshippers from all over the world.

Voting for SEVEN wonders of India:

Sixth Sense to Next Level

Watch this video. Quite interesting.
Well Done Pranav.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Google's Security Challenge.

Google Challenges Hackers to Native Client Security Contest
Google wants hackers to take their best shot at cracking Native Client security. Google is offering prizes for the top five vulnerabilities hackers can find. The contest ends May 5. Google is hosting a contest to get its hands on security flaws affecting its Native Client technology.
Native Client is an open-source research technology for running x86 native code in Web applications. As an incentive, Google is offering five cash prizes, the largest of which is $8,192. Second place is $4,096, third is $2,048 and both the fourth and fifth place prizes are $1,024. All amounts are in U.S. dollars.
The contest will end just before midnight Pacific Time on May 5.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spectator today -> Victim Tomorrow | Election Reforms

We all know that country like "Bharat"(India), which is considered the GURU in ancient times is going through a bad phase mostly because of "BAD POLITICS". All the problem we talk about today, have there roots in bad politics. Open any newspaper, and we can easily see this link for any/every bad news.

Movies like "Rang De Basanti" have also highlighted the same frustration of youth but no feasible answer. Youth is still confused that, what they can do to help things get better.

Though we try to "Keep BLIND eyes"(besides watching news), but we can't. Deep inside we know, that we have to do something.

In this scenario, lets start to think SIMPLE. Lets follow the "Information is safety"(Jaankaari he bachaav hai). Recently I got a chance to attend a session by IIMB professors who are trying to reduce the criminalization of politics. First step towards ADR(Association For Democratic Reforms. Here also no active participation is required from our side(as I said, try to be SIMPLE and EASY).

(Action-1 Know)Just know that which political position is having maximum impact on you and person sitting on it. So if you are in living in XYZ constituency, then person holding the political chair in that constituency is having maximum impact on your life. So just KNOW the person sitting on that chair. Just KNOW the name and criminal record of the person. Information is made public by initiative like ADR(Association For Democratic Reforms) in many forums.

(Action-2 Find Your Constituency)
Based on Pincode, you can find constituency.

(Action-3 - Read) National Election Watch (NEW) Report on state Assembly Elections 2008
• National Election Watch Report
• Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2008
• Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2008
• Delhi Assembly Elections 2008
• Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections 2008

I don't think, there could be anything simpler then this.