This blog is about having fun

Let the mind THINK and let the face SMILE. I am able to achive these by..
- Sharing thoughts.
- Fun

Friday, October 31, 2008

Support Raj Thackeray ????

We all should support Raj Thackeray and take his initiative ahead by doing more...

1. We should teach our kids that if he is second in class, don't study harder.. just beat up the student coming first and throw him out of the school
2. Parliament should have only Delhiites as it is located in Delhi
3. Prime-minister, president and all other leaders should only be from Delhi
4. No Hindi movie should be made in Bombay. Only Marathi.
5. At every state border, buses, trains, flights should be stopped and staff changed to local men
6. All Maharashtrians working abroad or in other states should be sent back as they are SNATCHING employment from Locals
7. Lord Shiv, Ganesha and Parvati should not be worshiped in our state as they belong to north (Himalayas)
8. Visits to Taj Mahal should be restricted to people from UP only
9. Relief for farmers in Maharashtra should not come from centre because that is the money collected as Tax from whole of India, so why should it be given to someone in Maharashtra?
11. Let's throw all MNCs out of Maharashtra, why should they earn from us? We will open our own Maharashtra Microsoft, MH Pepsi and MH Marutis of the world
12. Let's stop using cellphones, emails, TV, foreign Movies and dramas. James Bond should speak Marathi
13. We should be ready to die hungry or buy food at 10 times higher price but should not accept imports from other states
14. We should not allow any industry to be setup in Maharashtra because all machinery comes from outside
15. We should STOP using local trains... Trains are not manufactured by Marathi manoos and Railway Minister is a Bihari
16. Ensure that all our children are born, grow, live and die without ever stepping out of Maharashtra, then they will become true Marathi's
Isnt it funny how politicians these days will go against everything that you thought was 'normal' :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So you can think you can dance??? motivational

I am just watching this show on AXN at 2 AM in morning. I know its very late, but dance can keep me awake this late. Then somehow I thought of writing this blog. Actually I am in IT industry and there is altogether different life in IT field. Now most of the people who participate in these shown are between 18-25. And the kind of effort they have put in such a young age is tremendous. After watching this show, it appears as if dancing is like breathing for some people. And we need to have so much struggle and uncertainty in life to get the maximum out of out life.
I used to think that people who are in dancing are very lucky because they know dancing and they are doing what they like. But somehow while learning dancing in an institute, I came to know the kind of effort and risk it require to be in this field. One has to keep learning. Most dancers who seems to be very dancing jumping on music, but as soon as music stop, most of them would not be able to walk, because of some injury or tiredness. Also everytime there is so much uncertainty about future because it require a lot effort to prove that one can take dancing as career.
I really respect them. They are turly motivational.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sex Education: Required but do we really need a separate paper

This is a very controversial topic. Some think that, having this discussion may make students interested into this and would make the situation bad. Other think that, understanding the current statistics, students should be given this knowledge.

I feel, that having adult education is very necessary, but using the word "SEX Education" is itself very offensive and misleading because, knowledge which is to be delivered is not just about SEX, its about understanding our body.

Regarding having a separate course, I believe we already have chapters about Reproduction in 9th class. So besides teaching students, first it should be made clear with teachers that they take these chapter seriously and convey the required information. What is mostly seen is that teachers themselves, feel shy about these topics and may not spend the required time on these chapters.

So for most people, information about our body is acquired by [1 Hrs Movies ;)], which besides conveying the right ideas, creates so much confusions and convey the wrong information. Even people completing college does not know about these basic aspects. Few days back, some of us had an open discussion about "Understanding the Body Basics" and it was very clear that we were not having peoper knowledge. Google came to our resue, which add to our knowledge.

So "Understanding the Body Basics" is mandatory but should be managed properly.

When is the RIGHT TIME to evaluate your decisions..

At every point of our time, we make decisions. And also we keep on evaluating not just recent decisions, but also the decisions, that we made some years back. For example, if someone did not get a job after completion of one course, he/she may think that "I should have joined some other course". Similar thinking is true for every small or big decisions that we made. If today, I feel that I made a good decisions, something can happen very next moment that can make me realize that, it was my biggest mistake in life. So life is so uncertain, and evaluation about a decision, can change even after many year of taking that decision. Having said that, so when is the right time to evaluate a decision, because we usually keep on evaluating ours or others decisions in throughout life.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"मैं Parents के साथ रहता हु" To "Parents मेरे साथ रहते हैं."

Though these lines, that "मैं Parents के साथ रहता हु" To "Parents मेरे साथ रहते हैं." sounds very similar, but basically they showcase the thinking that we have for our parents. I may sound too rational, and also not talking about "What people should do?". Rather, I am talking about, that what is happening these days. कब जिंदगी में वो समय आता है के पहले में parents के साथ रहता हुईं, और फ़िर वो मेरे साथ रहने लगते हैं

Why it has become so difficult for our generation to keeping living with our parents. What kind of of independence or individual-space are we expecting. And basically no one accept that he is doing anything wrong.

To understand this.. let me give another example... if we asking anyone, that are you helpful or not. I have not seen a single person, who would say, that I am not helpful but still people that, that this person is not helpful or that person is not helpful. Reason being, everyone has certain limit to "Helping Others". One may see that a financial support of one lacs means helping him/her but the receiver may be expecting ten lac.

In similar sense, when we are not able to live with our parents, we start making excuses that, parents are expecting too much etc etc. But end result is that things have been separated. Before getting married, everyone hates those people who are not supporting their parents. Everyone respect their parents. But how come after getting married, things starts changing. What is required in our generation, that can bring the old joint family culture.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How to spread smile, make the people to start talking

I have been thinking about this for a longtime, but have not got any working solution. I want to spread smile around me.

I got a magazine from one IT fair. Magazine is from one orgainsation named "Sumartri". I was about to throw that magazine without reading, but at the very last moment, I thought of reading it. And after reading just two pages, it changed my thinking a lot. It mentioned that may problem these days are occuring because, we don't get people, whom we can talk to. Who can listen to us - WITHOUT GIVING SUGGESION. So afterwards, I have been trying to make the similar environment, and also to improve upon on listening skill.

to be continued...

सोच का महत्त्व

यह सोच बहुत बड़ी चीज़ होती है. एक बार एक साधू सड़क पर जा रहा था. और उसी समय दूसरी तरफ़ से एक चोर चला आ रहा था. सड़क पर बहुत पत्थर पड़े हूए थे. दोनों को एक ठोकर लगी. जब साधू ने नीचे देखा तो पाया के एक पत्थर पर ठोकर लग जाने से उसे चोट लग गयी है और खून भी निकल आया है. जब चोर ने निचे देखा तो पाया के उसे एक डिब्बा से ठोकर लगी और जब उसने वो डिब्बा खोला तो पाया के उसमे तो पैसे थे. इसे देख साथू को बहुत बुरा लगा कि में तो हर समय भगवान् के पूजा करता हु तो मुघे चोट लगे और यह हमशा ग़लत काम करता है तो इससे पैसे मिला. वह अपने आश्रम वापिस गया और भगवान् यह पूछा के ऐसा हूए क्यों हुआ........

.अब देखिये कि भगवन कि एक बात से कैसे उसका सब आक्रोश विश्वास में बदल जाता है. भगवान् उसे कहते है की तेरे भाग्य में तो आज मौत लिखी थी पर क्योंकि तुने मेरी पूजा करी तो तुघे बस चोट लग कर तेरा बुरा समय चला गया और दूसरी और, उस चोर का आज इतना खजाना मिलना था कि वो राजा बन जाता पर उसके कर्मो के फलस्वरूप उसे थोड़े पैसे ही मिले.इसे सुन साधू फ़िर शांत हो गया.....

अगर सोचा जाए तो भगवान् ने ना तो साधू का दर्द कम किया और ना हे चोर से उसके पैसे लिए पर फ़िर भी एक सोच में परिवर्तन से ही साधू शांत हो गया.

वस्तु के प्रति हमारी सोच

जब भी हम किस्सी से बात करते है तो हम किस्सी चीज़ के अच्छे या बुरे होने के बात करती है. बात करते करते हम यह भूल जाते है के अगर में कहूं की "वह चीज़ अच्छी नही है" इसका मतलब यह है की "वह वस्तु मुघे पसंद नही है." तो यहा वस्तु के साथ साथ, आदमी की उस वस्तु के लिए सोच भी सामने आ रही है. पर हम सोच को भूल जाते है और सीधे ही वस्तु को बुरा या अच्छा मानने लगते हैं.

अगर कोई कहता है मुघे यह फ़िल्म अच्छी नही लगी तो हम सीधे हे फ़िल्म को बुरा मान लेते है. और यह भूल जाते है की कहने वाले को कैसे फ़िल्म पसंद है

A Wednesday | ADRINDIA.ORG - One of the solution in this direction.

I saw this movie "A Wednesday" day before yesterday and found it amazing. Actually I am interested into computer security and every friend of mine, who know this interest of mine was saying that, I should watch this movie as, 1. Movie is really good and 2. It involve computer security stuff. As I am not movie freak, so was not aware of this movie, and somehow made this image in my mind, that it must be a Hollywood thriller, but when I watched this movie it came out to be a Hindi Movie. After all this..... it is a AMAZING movie...
Message conveyed in this movie, has already been conveyed in movies like "Hindustani - Kamal Hasan", "Rang De Basanti". All these things bring so much anger and guilt, that made me thing that what should be done.
Recently I had the benefit of attending one session by Prof.Trilochan Sastry from IIM Bangalore as part of Barcamp7. It was supposed to be an hour session but discussion lasted for around three hours. People had all kinds of doubts that usually bother us, but all queries were answered with strong examples with references from previous events.
The Association for Democratic Reforms was started by a few professors at IIM. And after much struggle, they were able to collect data of various candidates from different political party and came out with a detailed report. This details was very shocking.
More references:
1. "The Association for Democratic Reforms" official site -
2. Interview with Prof. Shastry -
4. Blog entry -

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shereen Bhan...... kaash mein kabhi inke saath date par jaa paoo

Shereen Bhan... amazing personality. Her communication skill, they way she carry herself, dressing sense, body language.. everything is amazing about her.
As said, शक्ल और अक्ल का combination.
I believe in Aura. Some people have a very strong aura then others. You may call it lack of confidence or whatever, but right now I don't think, I can handle the Aura, Shereen carry with her. I would need to improve a lot, so as to build myself, so that I can have a date with her. Few months back, I was travelling in kingfisher airline, air hostess was so beautiful there, that I asked her for a photograph with me, and she agree(unbelievable for me). No wrong intention, believe me. When I see that photo, I find that, I need to work a lot on confidence, so as to handle that Aura.
I will surely work upon these thing. I hope, I am able to make myself clear.

Fregrance | Satisfaction of Bachelor Life is Deo | Maggi

:) Bachelor life, specially living away from your home, fragrance is when people don't bath, and use Deo to get away with any bad odour.

Other major thing in bachelor life is Maggi. Be it any reason that.. when we are not very hungry, and just looking for snacks, when food is not good, when we don't have much time to cook food or its late in night..
सो दर्दो की एक दवा, Maggi...