This blog is about having fun

Let the mind THINK and let the face SMILE. I am able to achive these by..
- Sharing thoughts.
- Fun

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How to spread smile, make the people to start talking

I have been thinking about this for a longtime, but have not got any working solution. I want to spread smile around me.

I got a magazine from one IT fair. Magazine is from one orgainsation named "Sumartri". I was about to throw that magazine without reading, but at the very last moment, I thought of reading it. And after reading just two pages, it changed my thinking a lot. It mentioned that may problem these days are occuring because, we don't get people, whom we can talk to. Who can listen to us - WITHOUT GIVING SUGGESION. So afterwards, I have been trying to make the similar environment, and also to improve upon on listening skill.

to be continued...


  1. I completely agree with what you've said here!

  2. hay veekaas, firstly thanks for understaning ma feelings or poems.
    secondly hav you read understanding others in ma blog? if not read it. may be it will help you somehow.

